05 March, 2007


An eco-entry. We get through a lot of tetrapaks. Juice in the morning bought in bulk from Ocado. Those small ones for the kids. I know I should be hand juicing with my wonderful juicer but I can't afford the fruit needed or the time. So we get through a lot of tetrapaks and Hackney council, along with 93% of all UK local councils don't take them for recycling. Which is not surprising as they are tricky little things made of cardboard, plastic and metal foils. Read this article by Leo Hickman on the Guardian website. So here goes. You can recycle them but you have to send them yourself at your own cost off to a company in Bridgwater, Somerset, who currently get roughly 20 shoe box sized deliveries of them a week. (Tetrapak do the labels as a pdf.) Will let you know how we get on.

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