Tom's frames look good don't they? I've sifted the one at the top of the picture and am starting on the second one. And today I also started removing yet more stones and rocks from the top dug over area which will be the third framed bed. I now have a very cold bottom as I don't have a cushion to sit on. My grandmother would NOT approve - she had one of those nifty kneeling stool things as well as waterproof cushions.
I'm beginning to think that Tom and I are taking the whole "digging over deeply for all the rocks we can find" a bit too seriously. After all, if we top up to the level of the wood with lots of muck and topsoil then most vegetables will have about a foot's depth of good sifted soil to grow in. I suspect that our main problem is going to be the couch grass which is endemic and I won't use weedkiller whatever cousin Jack says. My mother would have a fit if she found out - she's super-organic, recycling Friends of the Earth queen of her bit of Hampshire.
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