Yesterday lunch was pasta with rocket pesto. The rocket was looking a bit overblown and as it was crowding out the peas, it went in the blender, with parmesan, olive oil, garlic and pine nuts.
Tonight's supper is enhanced with perpetual spinach and another green salad, this time Pinokkio which is a Cos. I really like the spinach. It is a cut and come again vegetable, very very easy to grow and tastes lovely.
Meanwhile in the garden, the tomatoes are starting to flower.
On the broad beans, I'm not sure the jam trick has worked. Here are two before photographs and then is the latest.
Are there fewer blackfly? Or do the ants just think they are in heaven with blackfly to milk and marmalade? Problem is, I don't think this is exactly the same part of the same bean. And I can't even remember if that really infested bit on the first photo got pinched off and lobbed into the field, or was coated in marmalade. So. Not very scientific approach. Could do better on the execution with this experiment. I think tomorrow morning I shall be zapping with Ecover. Oh and harvesting a few beans for a tapas style dish of baby broad beans with smoked bacon, for lunch. Better do it in the right order.
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