We have weather. Totally unpredictable (well nearly and not more than 3-4 days at a time with any accuracy). To give an example: my veg patch on January 26th and yesterday.
Which is why I still haven't planted any garlic or broad beans. And of course it's different again today because the snow is thawing although apparently we are due more before the weekend. Makes planning ahead hard work.
I have been lamenting that I didn't get my garlic in too! it loves some nice cold weather. ah well, perhaps next week, depending on what is thrown at us!
Hi Don. Thanks for the compliment! Re: chickens in veg patch, if you look closely you can see netting over each bed. It's just plastic stuff but tough and so far they haven't attempted anything. You will need it though as they love to scratch and can destroy a bed of seedlings in minutes.
I'm off out to put the garlic in today between snow showers. Assuming they ever come.
I have been lamenting that I didn't get my garlic in too! it loves some nice cold weather. ah well, perhaps next week, depending on what is thrown at us!
Your veg patch looks great. I am planning one for this year. How do you keep your chooks out?
We too have had a lot of snow, but it's a bit more usual for us.
I like reading your blog, especially when you use words that I have to either look up, or decipher by the context.
I missed the garlic planting season here. Apparently it is Sep-Nov. :(
Hi Don. Thanks for the compliment! Re: chickens in veg patch, if you look closely you can see netting over each bed. It's just plastic stuff but tough and so far they haven't attempted anything. You will need it though as they love to scratch and can destroy a bed of seedlings in minutes.
I'm off out to put the garlic in today between snow showers. Assuming they ever come.
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