What is the collective noun for twenty red kites? Is there one? Driving over a hill, we suddenly saw a cloud of kites, swirling, diving even into the road. Stunning. Apparently a local farmer feeds them so they come in flocks, gaggles, whatever.
Cardigan Bay is stunning. A great sweeping bay with long beaches, views of Anglesey and Snowdonia to the north. Cliffs rising up, green hills, woodland. almost to the shore line in places. Ignore the horrible mobile homes that infest the landscape. Just look at the view.
Why is it that after a shower on a campsite you somehow feel cleaner than you ever do at home. When clearly you're not. Or not for long. Must be something about the way fresh air feels on skin.
Midgies are not a good thing.
And nor are mozzies.
Ice cream, especially Honey Ice Cream from Aberaeron, is a very good thing. Though perhaps not chilli and chocolate ice cream for a four year old. Another case of Lottie determined that she knows best, until she finds out that what you were telling her all along is in fact true, and the ice cream is a bit too spicy for her.
Lottie is idiosyncratic. And funny. The bar-man taking the order for a baked bean sandwich certainly thought so.
There are few things nicer than watching two girls running around the beach with their dad.
Thank you for a wonderful trip back along memory lane to my childhood, teens and student days. Wish they'd done chilli and chocolate ice cream when *I* when to school there!
I love the second to last photo. The sad castles, the happy girl, and the rescue helicopter in the distance.
Great pics of the girls running! You managed to get both of them with both feet off the ground. Older one is nearly touching, but not quite.
Pure luck about the feet...
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