The jerusalem artichokes are looking lush. Charlotte is in the picture for scale, and obviously because she is lovely. She's about 1 m tall.
And the rhubarb is doing very well although I'm not planning on eating any this year as it's only just gone in and I want to give it a chance to settle. Looks nice though.
your rhubarb is insane! mine is going on yr two and doesn't look anything like that. of course, we are in the desert, but still! my mouth is watering just thinking about how much baking goodness you have sitting right there. what self control you have not to chop it all up right away.
Yeah well. I live in Wales so rain is something we have plenty of. Which probably explains the fungus on the tomato plants - you win some you lose some. And you probably don't have slugs. What would I give not to have slugs...
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