And then today, Tom and I went to see a tax consultant. Don't worry. I won't go into detail. It was dull but essential stuff. And confusing of course. The fun part was just before when we walked up a hill to a park. That's the thing about San Francisco. You are never far from the most amazing view. We have several from our apartment. And you can be walking along a street and suddenly round the next corner you can see to the Oakland hills, or the ocean. Or in this case, Alcatraz far below on (yet another) glorious November morning.
Wow. This city is stunning. And quirky. And right now completely fascinating.
Oh, and lastly, I love this sign. I know it doesn't mean the same as in the UK but this sign brings a smile to my face each time I see it.
1 comment:
told you it was a fab place
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