15 July, 2010

Observations about Here and There

We've been back in England for just over a week now - time for some general musings of things I've noticed. Like:
  • Isn't America spacious? It's not just that there is so much more of it, but also that they are just so much more generous about everything. Take pavements/sidewalks. I walked down one in Much Wenlock (small medieval town in Shropshire) that was barely big enough for a size 18 bottom (and there were a few) to walk down in single file. And the road next to it was about as wide as a typical parking bay in the States.
  • Isn't the UK busy? Honestly, there are just so many people and cars around. That was in the south east where most of the UK's 60-something million people reside so I suppose it isn't surprising that Alton High Street (small Hampshire market town) seemed somehow more crowded than Union Square. Especially given the size of the pavements.
  • How am I doing? I'm not sure, as nobody has asked. But I don't seem to mind. When people do ask, I shall answer "Not bad" which is British English for "Good". Or better still "Mustn't grumble" which is British English for "Awesome".
  • Isn't it green here? I do like the Californian climate. It is warm and sunny in an improbably consistent fashion. But that means California is also brown. England is currently suffering from lack of rain but still manages to look like a jungle by comparison. So don't knock rain, it means you live in a lush and fertile land with lovely trees and hedgerows. I miss green.
  • And old. I miss old. Places I thought were quite pretty turn out to be full of 17th and 18th century buildings full of charm. I'd just never noticed before because an awful lot of the UK seems to be like that. I am also enjoying bricks and stone after a lot of painted wood. It is much plainer but somehow seems much more of its landscape, part of its world rather than spread across the top. 
  • I could however murder a burrito. And trust me, no burrito of any distinction can be had within 100 miles (which is a long way for over here).


Suzanne@ Panteg Alpacas said...

never thought I'd hear you wanting a burrito!!

Soilman said...

We thought the precise same things when we arrived in California... but in the opposite direction, as it were.

Best thing about States: All that marvellous space. God, you can live like a human being in a big country, can't you? And the wildlife. Wasn't prepared for the fabulous fauna in California. Was deeply, deeply moved by the elephant seal colonies on the beaches.

I am thoroughly envious of your living there!