Just the thing you want to happen when you've got your in-laws over for dinner. Emilia suddenly exclaimed "there's a snail" and so there was. Slightly the worse for wear as a result of the vinaigrette Tom had carefully prepared. Clearly he hadn't washed the salad quite as carefully. And then of course he tossed it and served it and it had been on the table for at least five minutes before said snail made its escape. The salad looks rather nice. All homegrown too. It wasn't quite the same after a second thorough wash. I'm not squeamish about slugs etc but we thought we had to as the snail appeared to be dissolving and left a trail of bubbles of slime across the servers. Yum.
Hilarious! I thought that was a recipe for salad leaves with snail until i read what you'd written! Icky...one of the perils of home grown veg eh!
yuck - but that's a great photo...
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