There are numerous recipes for Marmalade, using all sorts of citrus fruit. This is a classic rough cut bitter marmalade from Sarah Raven's Garden Cookbook
Seville marmalade (made 12 assorted but mostly 450g jars)
1.4 kg Seville oranges
1 teaspoon salt
Juice of two lemons
2.7kg granulated sugar
Scrub the oranges and put them whole into a large preserving pan, along with 2.4 litres of water and the salt. Cover with a lid and simmer the fruit gently until soft. This takes about 1 hour. Reserve the liquid and halve the fruit, scooping out the pith and pips with a spoon and putting this into a small saucepan. Add another 300 ml of water to the pan to pith and pips and then simmer for 10 minutes.
Coarsely slice the orange peel and add to the preserved liquid in the preserving pan. Strain the liquid from the pith and pips and add this liquid to the large pan. Add the lemon juice and sugar, and heat slowly to dissolve the sugar completely, stirring all the time. Increase the heat and bring to a rapid boil until the setting point is reached.
To test for the setting point, put a saucer in the fridge to cool. When you think the marmalade might be ready, put a spoonful of the boiling jam onto the saucer. Return the saucer to the fridge. Once it is cold, the jam should wrinkle when you push it with your finger.
After taking the marmalade off the heat, skim the scum from the surface with a spoon. Allow it to rest for at least 20 minutes - or the fruit peel will all float to the top (mine has anyway, but what the hell). Stir once and pour into warm sterilised dry jars. Put a greaseproof disc on the top of each jar and cover immediately.
Okay, NOW I'm getting hungry!
Not fair!
That looks soooooo yummy!
Please send us a jar - if you wrap it up well and use environmentally sound bubble wrap and label it 'vase' or 'mug' and 'breakable' then it should get here - and we love and miss marmalade as it doesn't get sold here very often!
Back in the frozen country as of yesterday....
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