11 June, 2010

Scrap: a cheap date with the kids

I've been meaning to go to this place for ages. It's a warehouse full of scrap - paper bits, oddments of cloth, bags of wool, buttons, art materials, glass, tiles, wood, cds, dolls heads, dried flowers, and on and on. And it's called Scrap. It's a not-for-profit organisation which takes donations, runs classes, gives workshops, supports teachers and sells scrap. Heaven for the children.

We bought all this stuff - a bag full.

Emilia's estimate of cost $100. Actual cost $7 and two of those were for the bag.


EMA said...

Wow..that is fabulous!!! I wish we had a store like that whre I am from, In this small community Crafts for the kids are expensive so we often travel out to the big city to visit the craft stores.

bopper pye said...

hi eliane

i check your blog occasionally and enjoy it very much. we have similar existances here though i am not a soccer fan (except of my own kid's team of course). your photos are great too. how long are you planning to stay in sf??

bopper pye said...

hi eliane

i check your blog occasionally and enjoy it very much. we have similar existances here though i am not a soccer fan (except of my own kid's team of course). your photos are great too. how long are you planning to stay in sf??