09 November, 2009

Exchanging views: a few pictures

One of the last days in Wales, when we were packing our life up, the sun came through the clouds and the view from my kitchen window was like this.

I shall miss it. But I think I will miss it less than I might because our new apartment is near the top of one of those precipitate SF hills, and on the top floor. So the views are phenomenal. Here's a taste.


Suzanne@ Panteg Alpacas said...

looks phenomenal ! but if you truely don't know what a pillow sham is ... good grief is all i can say !

Eliane said...

No doubt you used to be responsible for pillow shams in your Sloane Square days! I am clearly a novice in bedlinen...

Suzanne@ Panteg Alpacas said...

never done bedlinen personally , but we had them at home , and I have american rellies !!!

mountainear said...

Hold that Welsh view in your heart I think - and go out and explore San Fran. Wow.

Garden Girl said...

Is that a palm tree I spy? There's more to this culture shock than supermarkets, isn't there!